Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Microphone Preamplifier
Warm Audio TB12 Tone Beast Microphone Preamplifier

The Tone Beast TB12 is a fully discrete, high-voltage microphone preamplifier, utilizing CineMag USA Transformers. Have no fear of hurting the Beast, you can push it very hard into full-on distortion if you wish, and these can sound quite nice on electric guitar, bass or anything else that likes some grit.
The different component options in the TB12 are subtle, but when driven into saturation are noticeable and can make a big difference to the way your final mix will sound. Home-based musicians and professional studios alike will find the Tone Beast TB12 to be an extremely powerful and fully professional piece of gear that is capable of warming and shaping signals/mixes in a way that is very pleasing to the ear.