Beyerdynamic TG D71 Semi-Cardioid Boundary Microphone
Beyerdynamic TG D71 Semi-Cardioid Boundary Microphone

Simple positioning, an unparalleled lean and robust design and exceptional sound qualities turn the boundary microphone TG D71 into the consummate companion on stage, in rehearsal rooms or in home studios. The microphone takes sound quality to the next level when it is used on kick drums and cajóns. Well-considered features like the helpful status LED and the rubber underside enhance the microphone’s emphatic design. Its simple handling is also reflected in the sound itself: Painstaking fiddling with the equalizer becomes a thing of the past when the TG D71 is put to use.
The TG D71 is your ideal choice if you plan to record percussion instruments – high impulse fidelity, an extremely appealing attack and a maximum sound pressure level of 148 dB. The condenser microphone reaches the top of its game when it is used with everything from kick drums and cajóns to grand pianos.